The Gogan Family

I was recently send the following wonderful photos by OFH reader,Tracey Miller. She was sent them by a relative of hers, Ross Gogan. They are reproduced with the kind permission of Ross Gogan and family. Tracey said:- These are my great great grandparents and their children being my Great Gran Amy (far back left),  the […]

A Challenging Land – a verse by Ray Jackson

Here we have another ‘Bush Verse’ from the pen of Ray Jackson. You will have enjoyed his last poem, Camooweal Billabong, earlier this year. The following verse was entered in the Aust Bush Poets Assoc awards in Toodyay earlier this year and won 2nd in the Serious Division (novice). A Challenging LandThe raucous cry of […]

The Henderson boys and the Black Jack Mine-

I was recently sent these amazing photos by Terry and Dawn Leitch of her families mine, The Black Jack’ GM at Yunndaga (Woolgar). It was leased first by Patrick George Henderson (Terry’s great grandfather) and later by his sons Cyril and Eric Henderson. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this area the following […]

The Lakeside Tragedy – grave tales

Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1950), Saturday 6 May 1922, page 5 As far as can be ascertained, no one actually witnessed the accident which resulted in George Lyall Luscombe, aged 19yrs,  losing his life by being run over by a wood train on the Lakeside line, near the 52-mile siding, at 5.30 a.m. […]

The Worst Accident in the history of Australian Gold Mining and The Nicholas Family

William Nicholas, was the manager of the Main Load GM in Burbanks. He had a long flowing white bear and was know for his eccentric behaviour. This earned him the nickname of ‘The Professor’. He married Alice FOWLER and they had two daughters, Alice May and Zoe Victoria and two sons Clive Lanyon and William. […]