The Great Goldfields Flood of 1948 – a verse

The heaviest rainfall in Kalgoorlie-Boulder’s history occurred 70 years ago—during the weekend of Saturday-Sunday the 21st and 22nd of February 1948.  Nearly 300 millimetres of rain fell in less than 36 hours, causing widespread flooding and severe property damage.  A massive clean-up operation followed. It was nature’s kind of anger, a weekend of solid rain […]

Paddington’s Old Cemetery – a verse

In Kalgoorlie’s north, away out in the scrub Where nobody’s shoulders you’re likely to rub On an old winding track one scarcely could see Well hidden by bush is an old cemetery. And those lonely old graves with headstones of white Would appear to be ghosts should you pass by at night. Here graves are […]

Double Tragedy at Kalgoorlie – grave tales

Truth (Perth, WA : 1903 – 1931), Saturday 28 December 1912, page 3 Double Tragedy at Kalgoorlie.      “She Smiled, said “Hello, Curly” and Died” In our last issue appeared a brief account of the terrible double tragedy, which happened at Kalgoorlie on the previous Thursday, in the yard at the back of the […]

Gold and Liquid Gold – book review

Obsolete Breweries of the Western Australian Goldfields:- Published by the WA Museum This excellent book is divided into the various towns in the Goldfields that had breweries (just about them all). It tells how each brewery started and about the people who ran them. It tells of the difficulties of brewing beer in places with […]

The Lonely Ghost – a verse

The Lonely Ghost by Evelyn Cull 1968 Throw another log on the fire, boys, A billy of tea we’ll brew And while we drink a tale I’ll tell Of something strange but true I was camped one night out Malcolm way On the side of a sandy hill, I was sitting beside my fire, mates, […]