Cricket isn’t life or death. It’s much more important!

BAYLEY’S CRICKET CLUB Premiers 1938-1939 Coolgardie Cricket Association Back Row:- L to R = L WILSON, J MacFARLANE, W CATTENACK, M NIVEN (Capt), D Matthews, L NORRISH, W SIMPSON, Front Row:– J MORALEE, F HOLT, J McKENZIE, R DOWNEY, John Ronald PAUL (with hat)

The Caldwell Brothers – a soldiers story

The following biographies have been researched by – Dave Spain 3638 PTE James Caldwell was born in Kanowna on or about January 1896.  He enlisted in Perth, Western Australia, on the 23rd of March 1917.  His Father was James Jonas Caldwell and his Mother was Charlotte Caldwell nee Gardner.  They resided at 68 Padbury St, […]

A Desirable Residence-

Its not often there are identified photos of private houses. Here are a selection of the types of homes and gardens in Kalgoorlie in 1909 from the Western Argus.

Little John Hepple – grave tales

Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1950), Thursday 14 August 1913, page 2 FATAL POISONING CASE SAD AFFAIR AT GWALIA. A most distressing accident, unfortunately attended by a fatal result, occurred at Gwalia on Thurs day the 7th inst., when a lad 6 years of age swallowed a solution of  caustic soda in mistake for […]

The Carriers Picnic – Mystery photos

I was recently sent these wonderful photos from Lynne Roberts, this is what she says:- ‘ These photos were sent to Mrs F B Marshall, Wooroolin, Queensland from Mrs R J Battye, Post Office, Perth.  I am assuming that the sender is Mrs Rockley James Battye.  Her husband is listed in the Directories for 1905 […]