Cabbage is a Fossick-King

Cabbage is a Fossick-King-  by Hugh Schmitt (1984) Broad Arrow’s most colourful resident, he makes up a tenth of the permanent population – is a character everybody calls ‘Cabbage’. Joseph OMODEI (few people know his real name) lives in a comfortable tin shack surrounding by his prospecting gear a couple of quartz stone throws from […]

Mulwarrie Cemetery:-

  CHURCH John, d 3 Dec 1902, 1 day, Prem Birth, Father:- Ernest Archibald William CHURCH, Mother:- Amelia RAWLEY. Born Mulwarrie, Buried Mulwarrie Cemetery. Reg North Coolgardie 70/1902 FITZPATRICK Evelyn Mary d. 1 Oct 1903 at Mt Higgins Hotel,  5 minutes, Premature birth, Father:-  John Patrick Fitzpatrick –publican, Mother:- Bridget Theresa WALSH, Buried Mulwarrie  52/03 Reg:- North […]

Whats in a Name? :

Street Names of Kalgoorlie Boulder, this excellent little book was published by the Eastern Goldfields Historical Society in 1996 and was written by E A Dawson. I actually came up with the title of the book but thats as much as my contribution was. Many of the streets have been named after Mayors and Councillors […]

Nungarra Cemetery :

Black Range or Ivy Linden/ Nungarra Cemetery The Black Range district in the East Murchison Goldfields was a promising field in the early 1900s, with the first real township, Nungarra, being established in 1902. By 1903 the population had risen to 900-1000 with 500 men on the alluvial patch alone. It was said only 1 […]

Edward ‘Doo Dah’ Sullivan – grave tales

SULLIVAN Edward alias ‘Doo-dah” or “Dido” died 2 Jul 1896 age 36yrs – buried 2 miles north of Leonora. For some years his old barrow and some of his equipment reposed by his grave, but gradually they disappeared. Sir John Forrest later arranged to have a headstone and fence to be erected. A pioneer prospector […]