The Badock Family story:-

The following photograph is from the family album of Tony James. It is a very sad story but one that happened many times. Of one family torn apart by circumstance and illness. Tony said:- This photograph was taken in 1927 (T F MacKay) in Kalgoorlie just after my grandfather, Charles Frederick Badock died [1888-1927] of […]

Books about:- Kambalda, Red Hill, Lake Lefroy

Its sometimes hard to know what books are available on a particular town. It is often the case, that the name of the place is not in the title. This is the first in series of post which highlights books available on a town or district. Kambalda was first known as Red Hill and is […]

Who was George Dainty ???

George Dainty died in 1901, age about 40yrs (date unknown). His remains were found in the bush by a prospector, Henry Frederick KESTEL when searching for lost donkeys, on the 5 Jul 1903 between Childe Harold, 7 miles from the mine and 12 yards off the travelled road in the Laverton district. The undertaker, James […]

A clock on the wall – Lindell Jewellers

In 2008 I was contacted by Kirsti Hiekka Langbein who lives in Finland, and who was seeking information on her Grandfather who was a jeweller in early Kalgoorlie. We corresponded for some time and I was able to tell her that the clock in the Kalgoorlie town hall chambers was made by Lindell’s Jewellers, as was […]

A Goldfields Fantasy by Tony Bozich

The following verse was written by Tony Bozich in celebration of the 125th anniversary of  the discovery of gold in Kalgoorlie by Paddy Hannan, Thomas Flanagan and Dan Shea. Thus setting off a major gold rush in the area, and the rest, is as they say, is ‘History’.                 […]