John Boileau – pioneer profile

Weekly Times (Melbourne, Vic. : 1869 – 1954), Saturday 10 September 1898, page 49 Mr John (Jack) W Boileau is a licentiate of the Dublin Pharmaceutical College, having served his time under his father, the senior partner in the well-known Dublin firm of Boileau and Boyd. He acted as assistant to his father for some […]

Broad Arrow snapshot – all the little children

I have just completed entering the  biographies on the people who are buried in the Broad Arrow Cemetery. Every cemetery provides a social and family history snapshot of the town where its located. Accident and disease show no favorites. I hope that this small section of deaths will provide a good example to compare to […]

The Knifing of Northwood:

Sunday Times 17 August 1919 A RETURNED SOLDIER’S TRAGIC FATE    :     WILD SCENES IN KALGOORLIE AND BOULDER Bret Harte’s “Roaring Camp” isn’t in it with Kalgoorlie these days. A succession of shooting episodes has been followed up with a stabbing affray, which is likely to have far reaching effects as far as the […]

Broad Arrow Snapshot – death from despair

This is the first snapshot of biographies from the Broad Arrow Cemetery. It covers the years 1897 to 1917. However the years of 1905-1906 are missing Suicide was quite a common thing in the early days on the goldfields, men, and a few women, who find themselves in a state of complete despair. There are […]

Hotels of Coolgardie 3:

1:- The Australia Hotel:- First appears in the newspapers in 1895 and the first Licensee was Wilson DUNNE. LOcated in Bayley Street opposite the Post Office. Now where Ben Priors Park is situated. It seems to have been demolished in about 1919. 2. The Lion Hotel, Cnr Renou and Sylvester Sts, Coolgardie. The Lion Hotel […]