I was recently contacted by Dorothy Maude Rodoreda (nee McMeikan). She told me of her very interesting family history story from Yunndaga (Woolgar). Her great-uncle, Richard Goninon, was the mine manager of Menzies Consolidated Goldmine for some 25 years from about 1900 to 1925. She had photos of the Manager’s Residence next to the mine and […]
The Gallant Mrs Taylor –
From The Sunday Times , Perth, Sunday 9 June 1940 Mining for gold is usually looked upon as a mans game, in which muscle and endurance are needed to wrest the gold-bearing stone from the earth and to keep the machinery moving. It calls for grit, a brave heart and ability to withstand all the […]
The Denver City – Coolgardie hotels 4
The Denver City was the first hotel in Coolgardie and the first building on the site was in 1894. A more substantial building was constructed by the firm of Philip and Doyle in and was destroyed by fire in 1897. The current building of two stories in the Federation style was built in 1898. It […]
A very pretty wedding at Bulong – family album
The following story was sent in by Eric Chamberlain from his family album. When Sarah KEOGH was born on 16 November 1879 in Victoria, her father, Cornelius, was 32, and her mother, Mary, was 22. She married Henry COADY in 1905 in Bulong, Western Australia. They had seven children in 11 years. She died on […]
When I die – a verse
Carry me back to the bush when I die. Its there that I always could rest. Bury me deep in the deserts red earth On a dry river bank in the west. Take me back home to the stock camp Out on the endless red plain Let my sole know the peace and the quiet […]