The first Australian dog breed ever created, was the Australian Kangaroo dog, today known as a Staghound. Another names these dogs is ‘roo dog’. The first Australian dog breed ever created, was the Australian Kangaroo dog, today known as a Staghound. Other names these dogs go by is roo dog. The kangaroo dog type was […]
The Pauley Bros – pioneer profile
Mr Edward Pauley was the senior partner in the firm of Pauley Bros, produce merchants of Boulder. He was born in Bendigo Victoria on the 5 Apr 1869. He was the son of the late Edward Pauley, a farmer, who was one of the first to prove the existence of payable gold in Bendigo. Mr […]
The Mysterious Mr Bradley – a family story
The comment ‘not another Lionel’ is a long-standing joke, between a good friend of mine and fellow historian, Graeme Sisson, who was the Archivist of the Police Historical Soc of WA at the time. It came to refer to any research inquiry that we were working on that was more than a little complicated and […]
Western Australian Heritage Trails-
Back in 2001, I approached what was then called the WA Heritage Committee, to ask if there was any likelihood that the booklet on the ‘York to Goldfields Heritage Trail’ in the WA Heritage Trails Network – Bicentennial Project for Community Participation series of books, might be updated. My husband and I have attempted to […]