Sadie and Arthur – a wander down the vale of tears

Kalgoorlie Western Argus 4 November 1897, page 12 A marriage took place at Burgess’ Hotel on Tuesday last, when Miss Sadie Richards agreed to wander down this vale of tears with Mr Arthur Dunlop, manager of the Bank of Australasia at Broad Arrow. Mr “Andy” Brophy gave the bride away, while the duties of best […]

Born of Grief and Despair –

On the 23rd of September 1903 in Gwalia Street, Leonora Western Australia an event would take place that would start a string of family tragedies. The event was the death of a little girl, Eileen Margaret Doyle. She died of Tonsillitis and Bronchitis, she was only 2 ½yrs old. She had only been ill for […]

Hasty’s Grave – raised to glory

Hasty’s Grave This grateful country cherishes the fine courageous band Who pioneered the wilderness, and founded our great land And so it is appropriate that the name of one so brave Be printed on our outback maps, marked simply ‘Hasty’s Grave’ And for those who wished to go there, and find the grave, perhaps Longitude […]

The Railway Arrives in Boulder – a quiet affair

The following paper was written by Douglas C Daws J.P. and presented to the Eastern Goldfields Historical Soc on the 8th Nov 1997 for the centenary of the arrival of the railway to Boulder. It is reproduced here with his kind permission. PRECIS:  Railways were introduced to Western Australia in the early 1880’s and developed […]

Beware of Victorians Bearing Gifts –

Western Mail 29 September 1938, page 11 OVER THE PLATES One Day in Early Kanowna. A couple of young Victorians blew into camp one morning with a spring cart loaded with fresh vegetables, no more than a week old at least. Every man on the field was troubled with ‘Barcoo Rot‘, so the half-withered green […]