Arthur Stubbs – Pioneer timber merchant

Arthur Stubbs. J.P. and Timber merchant Boulder:  was born at Balmoral in Victoria on January  9th 1873. And is the son of the late William Alwyn Stubbs, one of the pioneer teachers in the Victorian Education Department. He was one of the twenty-three children from his father’s two marriages. His mother was Agnes AITKEN (second wife). He received his scholastic training, principally under his father and continued his studies well into his teens whilst also working as a junior in an office from 10 years of age. In 1999 he became an apprentice in the building trade, specialising in carpentry and the timber departments of the trade, and five years later, he came to WA and engaged in contracting for several years.

Arthur STUBBS – Photo J J Dwyer

In the year 1900, Mr Stubbs proceeded to the WA Goldfields, and took under his own supervision a hardware business, in which he had previously held an interest in conjunction with his brother, William STUBBS trading as Stubbs Bros. He also contracted for several large buildings on the fields and not long after his arrival, established a small scale. The present flourishing timber business now carried on by him. This proved very successful, increasing in volume year by year, until he now holds the premier position in the trade in Boulder.

 Arthur Stubbs, Timber Merchant, Wittenoom St East, Boulder – Photo J J Dwyer

He owns the only timber mill in Boulder, and in addition to the output of his own trade he does the milling for other timber yards at his mill, which is a very profitable adjunct to Mr Stubbs operations. His premises and wood yard are situated in Wittenoom Street east, Boulder. Timbers of various kinds, suitable for the different classes of work carried out which cannot be met by means of the local product, are imported direct from the Baltic, while the West Australian Timbers, including a large proportion of jarrah a, procured from the Greenbushes district. In connection with other branches of his business, Mr Stubbs is a large importer of ironmongery goods and all kinds of hardware from England and America, and his stock is very complete and representative one.

Arthur Stubbs Timber Yard, Wittenoom St East, Boulder – Photo J J Dwyer

During his residence on the goldfields he has taken an active interest in the municipal life of Boulder, and for three years represented the rate payers of that city in the Council chamber. He occupies a seat on the committee of the Boulder Public Library and is an honorary officeholder in several semi public and charitable organisations. He was gazetted as a Justice of the Peace in 1906, having received his Commission from the Moore administration.

Mr Stubbs was one of the founders of the Boulder Eisteddfod and was chairman during its second year and at the time of writing, 1912, he still holds that office. He also acts on the committee of the Boulder Racing Club which is one of the most successful organisations of its kind in the Commonwealth. The popular games of golf and bowls provide him with the necessary recreation and he is a champion bowler. He fills the office of vice president of the local golf club while he is vice president of the of the Boulder Golf Club. He was married in 1903 in Perth WA to Dora Elizabeth WARNECKE, daughter of Albert Christian WARNECKE (Farmer) of Cunderdin and Hannah LOFTUS. The couple had three children, Jack born Boulder in 1904, Robert born Boulder 1906 and Margery born Boulder 1914.
Kalgoorlie Miner (WA : 1895 – 1954), Monday 13 April 1903, page 6

Sun (Kalgoorlie, WA : 1898 - 1929), Sunday 29 November 1903, page 7

The Sun 29 November 1903, page 7

In about 1911 Arthur and his family took up farming in the Kellerberrin district near to his wife’s father. He was to remain there until his death on the 25 Apr 1923 after a short illness, he was 50 years old. He is buried in the buried in the Northam Cemetery.

Grave of Arthur Stubbs Northam Cemetery - Photo Find a Grave

Grave of Arthur Stubbs Northam Cemetery – Photo Find a Grave

REF: Dictionary of Western Australia, family details from Wynona Wilson.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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