Young Widow Attempts To Take Own Life
West Australian 11 August 1936, page 15
A sequel to the ‘Boulder Tragedy’ – The fatal shooting episode at the Launceston Hotel, Boulder, late on Saturday night, had a shocking sequel this morning, when the dead man’s 19-year-old widow, Millie Mitrovich, was discovered in her bedroom at her home in Clancy Street, Boulder, with a bullet wound just above her heart. The circumstances suggest that Mrs. Mitrovich attempted to take her own life. She was admitted to the Kalgoorlie District Hospital in a serious condition following the death of her husband, Luka ‘Louis’ Mitrovich (26), a Yugoslav miner, as a result of which Jovan Vujicich (52), married, miner, appeared in the Boulder Police Court this morning on a charge of wilful murder, Mrs. Mitrovich was overcome with grief.
She was married only 11 months ago and was said to be devoted to her husband. Shortly after 10 o’clock this morning, Miss Annie Radanovich, a sister of Mrs. Mitrovich, and another woman returned to the widow’s house following a visit to Kalgoorlie, where. they had purchased mourning clothes to be worn at the funeral in the afternoon. Soon after their arrival Mrs Mitrovich retired to her bedroom and a few seconds later the people in the house heard the sound of a shot come from the room. Rushing into the room, Miss Radanovich and her friend found Mrs. Mitrovich standing. with her hands clasped to her left breast. An automatic pistol was found on the floor. Mrs. Mitrovich was placed on the bed by Mr Vido Djrasovich, who was the best man at her wedding. Millie Mitrovich was to spend 97 days in the Kalgoorlie Hospital recovering from her attempted suicide.
In answer to a question he asked her, she said that she had wanted to join her husband. She was conveyed by ambulance to hospital. Mrs. Mitrovich was born in Boulder and is the daughter of Lazar RADANOVICH and Stana nee BEALICH. The accused man was remanded when he appeared in the Boulder Police Court this morning, Vujicich was charged with unlawfully wounding and murder of Luka Mitrovich. On the application of Detective Sergeant Findlay he was remand for eight days.
The Mirror Perth September 5 1936, page 21
He twirled his moustache and made a vividly dramatic fight for his life, but fails.
Sentence of Death Passed for Boulder Shooting
In a torrent of words, one tumbling over the other as they flashed from his quivering lips, Jovan Vujicich fought for his life. Rarely has a man made a more dramatic or more vivid plea for his liberty than this moustachioed Montenegrin did when he faced a wilful murder charge this week. But his fight was in vain. The jury found him guilty of the murder of Luka Mitrovich at the Launceston Hotel at Boulder and on Thursday afternoon he was sentenced to death, the jury advocated mercy to the accused man. On the 27th Sept 1936 Vujicich’s sentence was commuted to life with hard labour. He died in Fremantle aged 65yrs in 1950.
Ten years after the murder of her husband Millie later she was to marry Stanko KRALJEVICH in Perth WA. She was to have four children and live to the great age of 102 years, she is buried with her second husband in the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth.
Moya Sharp
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Interesting story. I saw a video not long ago where it is revealed the Montenegrin people still carry on with their “blood revenge” custom in some parts.
Hi Moya my name Is Steven scerri grew up in in Kalgoorlie lived in Sutherland street number 6,the house is no longer there I work as a Winder Engine Driver currently in Telfer I got myWinder drivers ticket at the Lake View and Star mine in 1981. Keep up the good work.
Kind regards
Steve Scerri
Thanks Steve
Hi Moya, Another great life story. So glad Milly survived to live a full life. The article mentions Launceston Hotel and Cardroom Hotel in the news article. Do you know where these Hotel’s were exactly? Sharon Rudler
Hi Sharon The foundations of the hotel can still be seen to day at the top end of Launceston Street, not far from the turn off from the by-pass road into Burt Street. It was finally demolished in about 2014.
A very interesting story..enjoy reading about our history, thank you for sharing these. I note Millie is buried at Karrakatta Cemetary. Are you able to tell me if her grave is still intact, given the MCB’s removal of grave sites. It would be such a shame to think this was the case.
Yes Indeed I do think that Millie’s grave is still there according to ‘Find a Grave’. Its quite a substantial memorial but I couldn’t say for sure if it hasn’t been removed.