The Tragic Death of Mollie Smith

On the 3rd July 1924, a young teacher aged 18 years, Mary ‘Mollie’ Smith, was tragically burned to death in front of her class of young children. It must have been horrific for the children present. She is buried in the Boulder Cemetery.
Mary Findlater Smith - Boulder cemetery Photo:- Val McLerie

Mary Findlater Smith – Boulder cemetery Photo:- Val McLerie.

Mollie Findlater SMITH was born in 1905 in Boulder, Western Australia, the youngest child of parents John Cruickshank Findlater SMITH and Mary Jane Smith nee MORGAN. Mollie often called “Girlie”. Before taking up her teaching post in Memzies, she lived with her parents at 8A Moran Street, Boulder.

Western Argus 29 July 1924, page 30

The funeral of Miss Mary (Mollie) Findlater SMITH, of the Education Department, who succumbed to injures received through being accidentally burned in her classroom at Menzies State School, took place on Saturday, July 6. The long cortege left her parents residence in Moran street for the Boulder Cemetery, preceded by the girl students of the senior classes of the Boulder Central School, the Girl Guides forming up to the right of the cemetery gates, and the High School senior students on the left. The pall bearers were Messrs. A. J. Irvine, B.A., principal of the E.G. High School, R. A. Johnstone, acting headmaster of the Boulder Central School, F. M. Reidy, and H. G. Shepard, of the High School staff,
H. Kahan, secretary of the goldfields branch of the Teachers’, Union, and G. Mitchell. The large assemblage at the graveside was an expression of the deepest sympathy for the family and a tribute to the great affection in which the deceased was held. The burial service was conducted by the Rev. J. Haynes, of the Presbyterian Church. The many beautiful floral tributes received were conveyed to the cemetery by motor car.

Molly Findlater Smith

Molly Findlater Smith

These condolences included her many, many family and friends from the Boulder Central School, the Girl Guides, the Eastern Goldfields High School the Teachers Union, and of course the many people from Menzies including her work colleagues at the Menzies School.
The list in the newspaper was certainly a tribute to the great affection for which everyone had for Mary especially her close friends Beryl and Flora whom continued to place memorial notices in the newspaper for Molly nine years after her death.

Geraldton Guardian 10 July 1924, page 2


At Menzies on Tuesday. July 1st, Miss Mollie Smith, assistant teacher at the local school, met with severe burning injuries. She was giving a lesson to the infants class and was standing in front of a fire in an open fireplace, when by some means her clothing became ignited and almost instantly was in flames. A boy named Cyril Templeman, rushed to Mr Williams, the head master, whose room is at the extreme end of the building, and gave the alarm. When Mr. Williams reached the room he could not see Miss Smith, but found her near the wall in the adjoining room. She was enveloped in flames. He grasped some flags and other material which he wrapped round her and thus extinguished the flames. He then sent for Dr. Clark and Matron Motley, who were speedily in attendance and rendered instant assistance. Miss Smith was removed to the hospital, when on examination the serious nature of her injuries was seen, and despite all the medical skill and attention and careful nursing could do, she passed away on Thursday morning.

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My name is Moya Sharp, I live in Kalgoorlie Western Australia and have worked most of my adult life in the history/museum industry. I have been passionate about history for as long as I can remember and in particular the history of my adopted home the Eastern Goldfields of Western Australia. Through my website I am committed to providing as many records and photographs free to any one who is interested in the family and local history of the region.

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