The World Well Lost for Love

Bunbury Herald 5 June 1907, page 3

The Story of Bob and Jack 

By R. M. Cochrane

Every prospector knows the dreary tracts of the Mount Margaret goldfields of Western Australia, but few are acquainted with the unspeakable dreariness of the tracks beyond, leading to the McDonnell ranges. So far as the Erlistoun, and a few miles beyond, the track is passable enough, but, once past the Sutherland ranges, I know not if earth holds ought which is more like hell. Day by day the camels paced over the inhospitable desert, glaring like a furnace in the summer sun. The soaks often contained water that was almost putrid. Frequently, they had to bail out dead birds before they could drink themselves, or offer a drink to their thirsty beasts.

No need to dwell upon the hardships of that journey. Those who have traveled in the desert know them only too well; those who have not cannot even imagine them, and only those who have experienced it can know the sensation of joy when the goal is reached at last.

After a brief rest, commenced the work of prospecting. Day after day they traversed the ranges at right angles to their strike, and day after day they returned to the camp having found nothing of value. Eventually they struck camp and returned to more likely country which they had noticed en route. Here they commenced the work of systematic prospecting. Day after day they toiled and still, no result. It was in these days of unrewarded toil that Jack’s cheerful optimism proved invaluable. He chatted gaily and confidentially of the find they were certain to make. Again and again they shifted camp, but with no better result To add to their troubles one of the pack camels strayed and could nowhere be found.

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John Bain – grave tales

John Bain was born in Wick, Scotland on 18 Mar 1866 to John Bain and Margaret Miller. He came to Western Australia in 1894. He married Betsy Calder Miller in Fremantle WA in 1900. John was to go into partnership with Betsy’s brothers, Donald George and Ben Miller, when they founded the Marvellous West GM.

Wedding photograph of John 'Jack' BAIn to Betsy Calder MILLER - Fremantle WA 1900 - Photo

Wedding photograph of John ‘Jack’ BAIN to Betsy Calder MILLER – Fremantle WA 1900 – Photo

Western Mail 26 May 1938, page 11

McCann’s Rush – 1895 – By Don Miller

The railway had not reached Coolgardie when this rush was reported. I cannot remember the month, as I was on the road at the time carting to Coolgardie from the head of the line. At that time I had a load on for Jack Murray, who had a store in Coolgardie. On reaching Coolgardie, Billy Weston approached me and asked me to take a party of prospectors out, and Jack Murray saw me also, as he intended to start a store at the new find. I loaded up at his store, and enclose a photograph of the team leaving his store for the rush.

Donald George MILLER

Donald ‘Don’ George MILLER – Photo

My team was the first to return, as we were the first to get word that McCann’s alleged find could not be located. On arriving back to Coolgardie, I was asked to go back with a load of provisions as a relief team, but word came that the men were all coming back. It is quite true that the prospectors were desperate. There were all sorts of rumours, and, if the crowd had got McCann, he would have said a’ long farewell’.

Billy Morley, and his brother Alf got furthest out with their teams. They were carting on the road to Coolgardie at the time. The Afghans got out nearly as far as the Morley brothers. I am sure T. H. Argus will recognise himself in the Bain and Miller photograph (below) leaving Coolgardie for McCann’s Rush, 1895. Jack Bain at the leader’s head, Don Miller at the shafter’s head and Ben Miller on top of waggon.

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Widgiemooltha Cemetery – Forget us not, for eternity here we reside

Widgemooltha Cemetery Off Coolgardie Esperance Highway Long -31.478272  Lat 121.583090 'We loved and were loved before we died, Forget us not for eternity here we reside.' 16 Burials -  1 Mine Death - 8 children - 1 female - 1 … [Continue reading]

The Niagara Football Club – a verse

Kookynie Advocate and Northern Goldfields News 31 October 1903, page 2 The Niagara Football Club. (With apologies to "Banjo" Patterson.) On Saturday 17th October 1903, after Niagara became football premiers, there was a grand wind-up at the … [Continue reading]

William Whitfield Mills – Surveyor-Explorer-Prospector

William W MILLS Surveyor - Explorer - Prospector MILLS William Whitfield - d 15 Aug 1916, 72yrs, at Widgiemooltha, WA, Occ: Pension and former surveyor, Father: Josias MILLS, Mother: Elizabeth Land WHITFIELD, Born: Plymouth, Devon, England in 1844, … [Continue reading]